
Commercial kitchen design varies from each business and each client. At Aspen Services, we have over 100 years of experience in the industry, with a team of classically-trained chefs and CAD design specialists. Using this wealth of knowledge, we are here to help you make the right decisions in terms of layout, equipment and safety specifications. However, one of our key goals is to make sure that every single one of our customers is as informed as possible. We want you to understand how to make your budget work, what technology is available out there to support you and what specifications you need to prioritise. This is where our News section will come into play.

Here is where you’ll find a host of blog posts covering topics that will help to improve your professional kitchen equipment decisions, support commercial kitchen installation or help you decide if turnkey solutions are the right choice for you. Discover where you should involve your resident chef in commercial kitchen design or how best to tackle odours in your catering space. Find ways to keep your budget in check, understand how regularly to schedule in servicing for your catering equipment or get your head around why ventilation canopies are so important in your new space.

Our blog posts are constantly updated along with new technology advances, industry news and our frequently asked questions. If you have any further enquiries or would like to speak to one of the team here, please do get in contact for more information.

Kelly West Kelly West

Tackling Odours in the Kitchen

Kitchen odour is one of the most common problems we face in the kitchen. It’s not always easy to identify the source of the problem, but if you know what to look out for, you can easily fix it.

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Kelly West Kelly West

6 Ways to Keep Your Budget in Check

If you’re looking to save money, then you’ll want to read these tips. Budgeting is an essential skill for anyone who wants to save money. It’s not as hard as you might think.

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Kelly West Kelly West

How Often Should Your Equipment be Serviced?

Commercial kitchens require special attention to ensure their continued operation. Learn about the importance of regular maintenance and servicing of commercial kitchen equipment.

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Kelly West Kelly West

World Food Day 2019

The purpose of World Food Day is to raise awareness about food security and hunger issues around the world. It was created by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

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Kelly West Kelly West

We’ve Had A Makeover!

We’re excited to share our new look with you. It’s been designed to give you an even better experience when browsing our site.

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