How Can Your Commercial Kitchen be More Sustainable?

Sustainability is the concept of focusing on the needs of the present, while not compromising the ability of the next generations to meet their needs. There are several ways to make your commercial kitchen more sustainable from using eco-friendly cleaning products to altering your menu according to seasonal items.

This post will share ideas to make your commercial kitchen more sustainable.

Focusing on the food

The first way in which you can make your commercial kitchen more sustainable is by flipping your menu depending on the season. Different foods will be in season at separate times of the year, meaning that you can purchase your stock locally. The benefit of this is that the food tends to be fresher, full of nutrients and cheaper.

Another benefit is that your customers will love the unique experience they can have by coming to your commercial kitchen at different types of the year. You could even go one step further by growing your own products in a safe environment.


If you are looking to remodel or are in the first stages of designing your commercial kitchen, you should be looking into energy-efficient equipment. Most people will understand the sustainability aspect of energy-efficient equipment; however, they tend to not go in this direction due to costs.

Did you know, however, that in the long term you can save costs on electricity?

Kitchen cleaning

Not only is cleaning your commercial kitchen a requirement, but it is also a great way to extend the life and efficiency of your equipment. This might not directly relate to sustainability; however, it does mean you will not be wasting perfectly good kitchen equipment purely because they are not clean.

Reuse instead of rebuying

Save money and the environment by waving goodbye to plastic and Styrofoam containers. Instead of wasting money, use washable dishware and glassware that can be reused over and over again.


Make sure your commercial kitchen enforces recycling by investing in recycling bins. Make sure to check what your local recycling centre accepts first, before placing containers around, as you might be required to separate different items.

Contact us

If you need help with the design, layout or deep clean of your commercial kitchen, our team is always on hand to help. Reach out by contacting a member of our team today.


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