Everything You Need to Know About Commercial Kitchen Deep Cleaning

Every commercial kitchen understands the importance of kitchen deep cleaning, and it is even more critical during and after the events of COVID-19. Commercial kitchen deep cleaning is a key component of maintaining hygiene and health, and safety within the kitchen.

This blog post will explain some key areas of commercial kitchen deep cleaning and what it is, and the benefits it has for your commercial kitchen.

What Is Kitchen Deep Cleaning?

Kitchen deep cleaning does exactly what it says on the tin; it is a deep clean which reaches places your typical surface clean does not reach. For example, deep cleaning covers areas such as behind kitchen appliances and cutting through the build-up of dirt and grime from the ovens.

Environmental Health Standards

Your commercial kitchen needs to comply with health and safety guidelines, which means having a deep clean every 12 months or when needed. Your commercial kitchen also has to meet environmental health organisation standards.

An inspection every 6 months will ensure you keep on top of cleaning maintenance.


A commercial kitchen deep clean isn’t just about hygiene, however, as it can improve the lifespan of your kitchen equipment. For example, a kitchen deep clean can improve the efficiency of extraction fans, equipment and more. In addition, annual inspections of certain areas will allow you to keep on top of maintenance and repairs.

Working Environment

As you would expect, a commercial kitchen deep clean provides a better working environment for your employees, improving productivity and motivation. Staff morale may even increase, as they know they are working in a hygienic and sterile kitchen. Plus, an annual deep clean will lessen their workload, as daily cleaning routines will be easier to maintain.

Customer Expectations

When customers are aware that you have a deep clean annual, it reflects upon your reputation. This conformation of cleanliness will provide customers with peace of mind as it confirms hygiene in the kitchen.

Kitchen Deep Cleaning Service

At Aspen Services, we understand that all kitchens will get dirty and greasy over time, which is why we provide full deep-cleaning services, which will leave it looking like new and hygienically clean. In addition, we can provide you with a free initial call out and site survey, and we are flexible with when we can come in to clean your kitchen.

For queries, please contact us today. Our teams are always happy to answer any questions which you may have.


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